The animals will come in two by two….to Sale this summer.
An art project celebrating the town’s connection to George Mottershead, the founder of Chester Zoo, is the inspiration for life-size sculptures of animals to be unleashed on the streets and shops.

Elephants, chimpanzees, penguins, pelicans, rhinos, lions alligators, hippos and giraffes will be placed in strategic spots.
‘We want to turn Sale into a riot of colour and sense of adventure. We’ve had 5,000 local children decorating the sculptures, we’ve led workshops, and we’ve had local artists, families and volunteers, helping us pull everything together,’’ says Anna Chopping, co-founder of the TwoByTwo art projects group.

Thirty five animals will be on display, and have been “adopted’ by a number of businesses and organisations throughout Sale.
They include Serendipitea, Bean and Brush Café, One Integrated Communications Agency, VAO Waterside restaurant, Traders Outlet, Jets Estate Agents, Skipton Building Society, St Paul’s Toddler Group and Life Tots at the Life Centre, and Clean Start.

The animals, which will be on display from July, are under wraps at a secret location undergoing painting and varnishing.
“Not many people know that Sale played an important part in the formation of Chester Zoo,” says Zoe Taylor, for TwoByTwo.
‘George Mottershead was born in Lindow Street in Sale Moor, and lived in the town for thirty years and said that Sale was the inspiration for his dreams of one day opening a zoo without bars, which he eventually did in 1931 with Chester Zoo.”

Local artist Sarah Mitch, has been commissioned to complete a 12-foot “memory” giraffe, that will be on display at The Square Shopping Centre. Sarah will be working on the giraffe today in The Square, and hopes to include old pictures of Sale in the decoration of the giraffe.
“I am thrilled to be involved in a such exciting and community based project,” said Sarah.

TwoByTwo are hoping that families and visitors will join the “safari” art trail and animal spotting will be added to the list of summertime attractions for Sale.
For more information contact TwoByTwo or @twobytwosale