Handover of the latest affordable homes at the Sale West estate marked by partner event

Trafford Council leader, Cllr Andrew Western, joined partners at an event to mark the handover of the latest affordable homes at the Sale West estate.

An event has been held to mark the handover of the latest affordable homes at the Sale West estate. 

Guests including Councillor Andrew Western, Clean Air, Regeneration and Housing lead for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Leader of Trafford Council, visited the Sale West estate to see the progress to date of the £50m investment plan from Irwell Valley Homes.

They met groundworks apprentice Jayden Thompson, who lives on the estate. 

Jayden said: “Growing up on the estate it’s good to see the positive changes taking place – I’m happy to be part of it. In years to come, I’ll walk down the street and think ‘I helped to do this’.

Irwell Valley Homes, a not-for-profit housing provider, has so far delivered 39 new homes for social rent as part of phase 1 of the project, with another 40 due for completion over the next twelve months. Their investment in phase 1 totals £9.7m, complemented by £5.8m from Homes England, while phase 2 also includes £550k from Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) Brownfield Fund.

Alongside this, a number of environmental enhancements are underway, using a £975,000 grant secured in partnership with Trafford Council from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

It’s all being delivered in tandem with a £7m home improvements plan for the estate, which so far has seen more than 600 roofs replaced and more than 40 new kitchens fitted, with a further 200 due before April 2023.

Councillor Andrew Western said: “There is a huge shortage of affordable homes in Trafford and every other borough in the country and that issue must be addressed urgently. Trafford Council and the Executive are totally committed to working with partners across the borough to provide more affordable homes and this scheme is one of many to support that commitment.

“This regeneration scheme is providing 263 much-needed high-quality affordable homes and millions of pounds worth of major improvements to existing properties. Phase one of the scheme has already provided new social rent homes for 30 families and that is obviously fantastic news. There will also be major investment in the public realm, new road, play areas, more trees and green spaces as well as projects to support residents and boost the local economy.”

Main image: Trafford Council leader, Cllr Andrew Western (left) joined partners at an event to mark the handover of the latest affordable homes at the Sale West estate.

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