Burger Wars: Cowtown Grill denies competitor claims of fake, negative reviews

Cowtown Grill, Sale

All is not well in the land of burgers, as two popular Sale burger eateries have gone head-to-head on social media. 

Earlier today (28th October), Yard Burgers MCR went public to allege that competitor Cowtown Grill “defamed Yard Burgers with fake reviews on Uber Eats.”

In a lengthy post online, Yard Burgers’ owner explained the circumstances and stated: “Before deciding to post this I wanted to be 100% confident that there was foul play at work, so I did some investigating on Facebook and was able to confirm [the customer] was well and truly a part of Cowtown Grill…” 

It didn’t take long for community members to have their say, with the majority expressing their “disappointment” and “disgust” at this alleged behaviour. 

Yard Burgers told us at Sale Today that they are “absolutely gutted” that “one of our neighbours could be so underhanded.” 

When we reached out to Cowtown Grill to request a comment on the accusations, they firmly said, “what they have written is absolutely false.”

Cowtown Grill has responded to Yard Burgers directly on Instagram, saying “We have similarly felt the anger of unjust reviews, placed by people directing hate at the business or service received, which is precisely why we would never inflict that on someone else. Our staff – named and unarmed in your post – would never seek to personally attack another business.” 

It is truly sad to see two well-thought-of businesses at loggerheads this way, especially in a community that has high regard for them both. We sincerely hope that both parties can discuss the situation calmly in the coming days. However, according to Cowtown Grill, they are “now seeking legal action” against Yard Burgers, so one thing’s for certain – this story isn’t over just yet. 

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