Should fireworks be banned? Have your say


It’s been a hotly-debated topic recently in the local M33 community: is it time for fireworks to be banned?

While for some residents they are a source of entertainment, for others they are a nuisance – and in some cases, even used as a dangerous weapon. Only last year there were reports of fireworks being used against firefighters in Greater Manchester and this year, Greater Manchester Police has launched a ‘Bonfire campaign’, in an effort to reduce anti-social behaviour.

The stats from 2021 make for frightful reading: 

  • 27 firefighters were attacked
  • Police and firefighters received 940 hoax calls
  • 1,318 fires were started deliberately

Fireworks can also be distressing for some animals, with a local Sale vet estimating that as many as three-quarters of pets suffer from anxiety at this time of year due to the loud noises. The loud booms might also be triggering for some people and they also litter the environment which can be harmful to wildlife.

A UK-wide petition calling for a ban on the “needless” sale of fireworks to the public has attracted over 300,000 signatures. However, the Government has rejected the plea with a group of MPs saying a ban could have “potentially dire consequences” for community groups who rely on public firework displays to fundraise and improve community cohesion.

The petition select committee added that a ban could create a “black market” of potentially dangerous fireworks. But what do you think? Would you like to see the use of fireworks restricted? Join in with our debate on Facebook.

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