Police issue urgent alert over con woman preying on the elderly in South Trafford

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Greater Manchester Police together with Trafford Trading Standards have issued an urgent warning about a woman who tries to con her way into the homes of elderly residents before taking money and possessions.

Although the alert is for the whole of Trafford, the woman is believed to have been seen in the Stretford and Altrincham areas.  She often wears false identification which looks genuine.

Posting on their Facebook page a spokesperson for Trafford South said:”Please be wary of this offender operating in the Trafford area. She is a black female, slim, of small build, young looking, about 51, and dresses smartly.

“She knocks on the doors of strangers to identify the elderly or vulnerable, asking occupants to lend some money to get to hospital where her dad is unwell. She attempts to gain access and steal any valuable items in reach.”

They say the woman has posed as a Social Worker or a Housing Officer, often wearing a fake lanyard.

She recently knocked on doors asking to use the toilet.  She appears to be concentrating on care homes and supported housing where she says she is friends of the occupants and even members of staff.

GMP is asking residents to look out for their elderly and vulnerable neighbours and call them on 101 or, in an emergency, 999.

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