Speeding motorists beware in Sale – as police reveal controversial plan to use volunteers with laser speed guns


Police are appealing for  Community Speed Watch Volunteer’s to work in the Sale and Trafford area.

The volunteers will be specially trained and work in pairs and use laser controlled equipment to combat speeding motorists.

A spokesman for GMP explained the controversial plan to use members of the public,  instead of the police, to crack down on motorists who exceed the speed limit in the area.

He said:”The role of the volunteers is to improve the quality of life in the community by addressing those vehicles that are driven above the specified speed limit.

“We encourage applications from potential volunteers who live, work or study in the Trafford area would be desirable as it’s a local initiative. You must be available to volunteer during daylight hours.”

Candidates must apparently  be able to demonstrate on their CV the following:

• Good communication and interpersonal skills

• Attention to detail and ability to record data accurately
• Ability to remain calm under pressure
• Live, work or study in the Trafford area would be desirable
• Be available to volunteer during daylight hours

Duties would include –

• Volunteering in a pair, utilise the laser speed measuring system and complete Speedwatch log sheets.
• Verify registration numbers, times, date and location that you record with your speed watch colleague
• Monitor the problem in order to evaluate its success..
• Promote any partnership road safety initiatives within the community as directed by the local policing team.
• To attend at public events to assist in the publicity of the Citizens in Policing roles

But the plans, revealed in a GMP Facebook page, have already received a hostile reception from most members of the public reacting to the news.  Comments include :-.

Ian Sant
Ian Sant – Tell on your neighbours. Isn’t that a teensy bit like what totalitarian states do?
Brendan Doyle

Brendan Doyle – Policing for free what are you doing with all our council tax money .

David Robinson
David Robinson – Job for you ?
Alan Denton

Alan Denton – Pay somebody to do it

Kathryn Taylor Salthouse

Kathryn Taylor Salthouse – OMG is this what policing has come to, asking people to volunteer to police for you. I know cut backs have had a huge impact on the police but this is just taking the Mick

Elizabeth Norbury
Elizabeth Norbury -Give me a speed gun and I’ll sit on the wall outside my house. Morons speed past there on a regular basis. Near a school too, drives me crazy!
Darren Marsden

Darren Marsden – Hmmm do not think this will go down well after that huge rise in this years council tax.

Jacqueline Snowball

Jacqueline Snowball –  There’s another page with this request. Apparently people caught speeding using this method won’t be charged. Shame.

Susan Bostock
Susan Bostock – need to come on Brook lane Timperley they think its a speed track
 Christine Dykes
Christine Sykes – And will prosecutions arise out of this ?
Paul McCormick – And when some angry motorist stops and thumps one of them ?
Brendan Doyle
Brendan Doyle – How about sorting other priorities first
Norma Lockett
Norma Lockett – Isn’t this a job for the police to do?
Beanie Green

Beanie Green – You can’t speed because of potholes

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