Signs of doggy heatstroke: Hot dogs are a risk that Sale’s pet owners shouldn’t ignore

Dave Hough from White Cross Vets

With summer upon us and in the midst of a heatwave, dog owners in Sale are being warned to look out for signs of heatstroke after the RSPCA revealed that heat-related illness after exercise affects 10 times more dogs than those overheating in cars.

During the summer months, White Cross Vets, which has a practice on Cross Street in Sale, regularly treats dogs suffering from heatstroke and has compiled a list of tips to ensure that dogs stay healthy during the summer months.

David Hough (pictured above with dog) from White Cross Vets explained: “Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are common problems for dogs that can quickly escalate into an emergency and in serious cases, it can even be fatal. A dog won’t die from missing a walk, but you could save their life by keeping them safe at home in the shade with plenty of water available.

“It’s well-known that dogs should never be left in hot cars, and there have been numerous campaigns highlighting this over the years, but the reality is that many of the dogs that we treat for heatstroke are suffering due to being walked or exercised in hot weather.

“Most dogs simply don’t know when to take it easy and often push themselves too hard, so owners need to be vigilant during hot weather and appreciate when their dog needs a rest. Initial signs include excessive panting, an increased heart rate and affected dogs often stand still, look anxious and feel hot to touch.

“Anyone who spots these signs should move the dog into the shade, encourage it to drink and cool it down with a towel soaked in tepid water. In severe cases, it will be necessary to consult a vet.”

Dog enjoying a doggy ice lolly

White Cross Vets has compiled 10 essential tips for dog owners to follow to ensure their pets enjoy a healthy summer:

  1. Remember that dogs can burn in the sun and those with light-coloured or very thin hair are generally most susceptible to it – however you can now buy sunblock for dogs!  
  2. On very hot days it makes sense to exercise your dog in the morning or evening when the temperature will be lower. 
  3. Pavements can get very hot in direct sunshine and if you can’t comfortably hold your hand on the ground for five seconds, then it’s going to be too hot for your dog’s paws.
  4. An overweight dog will feel more uncomfortable in very hot weather so try to keep your pooch trim.
  5. Hot weather will often reduce your dog’s appetite so try to feed them during cooler parts of the day.
  6. Regular brushing and grooming will remove excess hair and help to keep your dog cool.
  7. Always make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water. This is especially important when the dog is panting because although they pant to cool down, it uses lots of water and dehydrates them.
  8. Cold treats such as ice cubes or doggy ice lollies can help keep them cool. A fit and healthy dog will not suffer any ill effects from consuming frozen food or even ice cubes.
  9. If your dog is outside for long periods of time make sure there is a shaded area where they can escape the sun.
  10. For any dogs that are regularly uncomfortable in hot weather there are a wide range of cooling aids available including fans, paddling pools and wet towels soaked in cool, rather than very cold, water.
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