This October half term, Sale’s Waterside is bringing a selection of family shows to entertain children of all ages.
Jack Frost and the Search for Winter is a new play by poet and playwright Joseph Coelho and covers environmental themes, a touch of wintery fun and live music.
This wintery tale by Tutti Frutti Productions is for ages 3+ and takes to the stage on Sunday 23rd October at 2pm.

Put on your party clothes for Molly and Bingo the puppy’s birthday party on Sunday 30th October at 2.30pm. There will be a treasure hunt, a sing-along and lots of fantastic games to play, including Molly’s favourite game, I Spy With My Little Eye. A theatre show for little ones, based on the brand new picture book by Steven Lee.

There will also be a chance to have your child’s photo taken with Bingo and the birthday girl after the show!
ComedySportz and ComedySportz for Tots will be at the Waterside on Saturday 22nd October to make sure you kick off half term with some big laughs!
For more information and to buy tickets, visit